Talking of plexiglass, I am going to engrave a digital read out, with warning runes, and other items that would be displayed. This will be done on Green crystal plexiglass. And should give the feeling of looking at the control displays of a Fell-blade tank.
For doing the cuts in the window I used normal painters masking tape. So that I could draw out the pattern. After I was happy with position of the window so that the view through it would only be of the motherboard and hardware, I then made some starter cuts with my Dremel, before cutting out the shapes with a Jig saw.
The problem with using a jig saw on thin steel like this, is it leaves a sort of rippled effect along the cut edge, because of the movement of the blade. So I have to spend the remainder of my time with the side panel. Hammering the small ripples and any dents. And then a a heap of time to file the cut edges smooth.
By tomorrow I should be able to get the case cleaned up and sanded down ready for primer. The inside of the case is going to stay mostly black being as the blue motherboard. And possible white water cooling tubes will continue the wold eaters theme inside.
Any way a few pics of where I am today.