Sunday 25 August 2013

Codex Space Marines: Codex Covers.

 The Codex Space Marines Covers have apparently Been Leaked. Its pretty Promising, And I don't think anyone will complain About them at all. I am Especially Loving the Black Templar's Cover.

Whether these are just going to be dust covers or not, Is unknown. I am Thinking This is the way GW will do it.

Welcome To Commorragh

Been thinking about The army list I "want" to own or should I say the list I'm working towards for my Dark Eldar.

Based Upon a 3000 point list. (3k points is normally what I build my Army's to) I have come up with this list.


Plasma Grenades, Splinter pistol, Close combat Weapon


9 X Incubi and a Klavex

These will Act as the Guard for my Archon, plus provide an deadly close combat unit.


10X Kabilite Warriors Plus Raider with Flickerfield, Night Shields, Splinter Wracks.

10X Kabilite Warriors Plus Raider with Flickerfield, Night Shields, Splinter Wracks. 

10X Kabilite Warriors Plus Raider with Flickerfield, Night Shields, Splinter Wracks.  

10X Kabilite Warriors Plus Raider with Flickerfield, Night Shields, Splinter Wracks. 

Fast Attack

10 X Hellions.

9X Reaver Jetbikes with Arena Champion and 3 X Heat Lances.

10X Scourges with 4 X Splinter Cannons 6 Shard Carbines.

Heavy Support

Razorwing Jetfighte,r with 4 X Shatterfield Missiles, 2 X dark Lances, and a Splinter Cannon

Razorwing Jetfighte,r with 4 X Shatterfield Missiles, 2 X dark Lances, and a Splinter Cannon 

Forge World Tantalus,this will act as My Archons Assualt Craft carrying Him and the 10 Incubi.

And now For the Allies.........................



Eldar Farseer on Jetbike


5X Wraith Guard With a Wave Serpent


3X Windrider Jetbikes


WraithKnight with Suncannon, Scattershield and 2 X Starcannon's 

Sunday 28 July 2013

Gosprt Wargaming Club. Summer Painting Compatition.

Doing a quick post here to show case my Gaming clubs Painting competition. unfortunate I was unable to enter anything this year due to Having to work on the Saturday. Actually annoyed me A lot being as I have had a good year of turning out painted mini's.

But here are some of the great painting that was entered.

John Wilcocks Absolutely Stunning DA flyer. To see this thing Up close is something else.

Paddy O'Gormans Hellbrute

John Wilcocks LOTR set. How he did it I dont know but even the Hobbits have eye details.

John Willcocks Nurgle Daemon Prince

Just to make us all feel bad about our painting. This screaming Bell was Painted by a 13 year old. Could be seeing a future Golden Daemon winner here.

Blood letters Painted by Mark Stancliffe

Monday 1 July 2013

Council of War

Council of War gives you a chance to join together with a team of allies and fight it out over a day or a whole weekend, combining your efforts in battle. Fighting as a team of four, you will play one-on-one games and round things off (at two-day events) with a gigantic game of epic proportions, where the four of you come together to do battle with an opposing team on a huge table. Whatever you like about the Games Workshop hobby, be it gaming, collecting, painting or simply socializing, you'll find plenty of inspiration here at our unique, purpose built, Empire Castle-themed facility.
Perfect for friends, family and gaming club-mates, this is your chance to prove the reputation of your team! If you're looking for a great gaming experience fighting alongside your friends, look no further than a Council of War.

Venue: Warhammer World, Nottingham

Age Limit: 12 years and upwards (12-15 must have a responsible adult available in the event of an emergency)

Tickets, when available: From here.

EventDateTickets on sale
Warhammer Council of War27th & 28th July10/04/2013
Warhammer 40,000 Council of War26th & 27th October02/07/2013

For Council of War, you will need to get together with three other folks to form a team of four players. You'll each need a fully painted and based army, selected using the guidelines in the Event Pack below. Don't forget to also bring your gaming materials such as dice, tape measure, books and any templates you will be using!
One ticket covers entry for all four players of a team, and includes entry to the event, as well as food (one meal for a one day event, three meals over a two day event), and entrance to the Bugman's pub quiz, held on the Saturday night of any two-day events.

Event pack:
Council of War Rules Pack (WFB&40k).pdf (0.71 MB) 

Sunday 30 June 2013

Apocalypse preview.

Well the preview is live for apocalypse. As far as rule books go games workshop have done a great job on the iOS version. With plenty of quick links to make searching for rules much faster. 

For those of you without an IPad. 

Revisiting Dark Eldar #3

Finished my first squad of DE Warriors tonight. I'm not as happy as I was with the scourges. But I think this is just the fact the the scourges are such a stunning model.

Wednesday 26 June 2013

Revisiting Dark Eldar #2

I fished out an old Venom That I had from my previous DE army. And got to stripping paint off of it. I am loving the Purple look of the Scourges I painted previously, So it made sense to continue this, As I have found a new love for my DE.

I did a basic Air brush job with a Purple that was mixed out of Vallejo Model air White. And Naggaroth Night citadel Paint. After painting the entire model Purple I decided that a section of the plating should be Black to break up the color. I liked how this turned out so any future Vehicles and fliers will have the same sort of appearance as the Venom, Especially the Razor wing Jet fighters. 

I then added a few glyphs using a Letraset 0.1 fine line drawing pen. These came out better this way that if i had tried to do it by hand. It may have looked better if I had a used some Decals. But being as all i could fined where Chaos and Tau. this had to do.

I decided on a small amount of weathering. Using a Ripped off piece of sponge and some Bolt gun metal I lightly dabbed areas, and streaked lines across the sides to give the appearance of scratches down the side, as if the venom had been used to ram into the side of a tank so the occupants (normally Incubi) could leap onto the tank and assault it. They are space pirates after all "GARRRR"

I don't think it turned out too bad at all, considering how it looked before. Just black undercoat with some wobbly bright green lines down the panel joins. 

Doing this has also made me realize, The more you try to copy GW pictures the worse your painting becomes. Trying to copy a style that was done by professionals who have been doing it for years is never going to produce good jobs, so its better to just do your own thing. As then there is nothing to compare it against and you don't feel disappointed with your self.

Anyway. PICS!!!!!